13 Labs

Laboratories to explore the frontier of discovery

Emilia Clarke
Telecommunications Economics
Syndustry Heisenberger-Zentenzer
This laboratory explores the frontier of research on telecommunications economics. It focuses on consumer behavior, valuation of telecommunications resources and the regulation of telecommunications industry. (Slide to the left or the right to see other laboratories)
Emilia Clarke
Social and Economic Impact Evaluation
Syndustry Heisenberger-Zentenzer
The laboratory explores the frontier of research on impact evaluation of projects and investment, both on the society and economy. It covers the micro-level and macro-level of evaluation. It extends the methodology and practice to both ex-post and ex-ante evaluation.
Emilia Clarke
Simulation and Dynamic Optimization
Syndustry Heisenberger-Zentenzer
The laboratory explores the frontier of research on mathematical simulation and dynamic optimization. It specializes on economic modeling, optimal controls and social changes with the interactions to economic policy, industrial policy, public policy, regulation and investment.
Quantum Economics
Syndustry Schroedinger-Zentenzer
This laboratory explores the frontier of research on quantum economics. It tries to apply quantum physics to economic behaviors. It aims at the improvement of quantitative prediction and precision for financial models and the simulation of economic system.
Input-Output, SAM, CGE Modeling
Syndustry Leontief-Heisenberger-Zentenzer
This laboratory explores the frontier of research on input-output data and analysis, Social accounting matrix and Computable General Equilibrium modeling. It applies the methodologies to extend the frontier of data. It combines the quantum economics to improve the precision of the simulation of economic system.
Socio-economic Survey Data Analytics
Syndustry Leontief-Zentenzer
This laboratory explores how to use the socio-economic survey data to reach the maximum capacity and the frontier. It tries to find new dimensions of the data analysis. It digs deeper into the data to serve the curiosity of researchers. It also applies data mining to find the diamond information in the data.
Digital Economics
Syndustry Turing-Zentenzer
This laboratory explores the frontier of research on digital economy. It focuses on social and behavior changes of people among the perennial storm of disruptive technologies. It evaluates the impacts of these changes on the economy. It finds solutions for people to live with good quality of lives in the digital economy.
Artificial Neural Networks
Syndustry Krisorn-Zentenzer
This laboratory explores the frontier of research on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). It focuses on classification of economic and financial phenomena, and the prediction of price movement to serve the odyssey of financial investment. It helps to strengthen SROI evaluation with the power of classification of projects with high and low impacts.
Genetic Algorithm Explorer
Syndustry Riemann-Zentenzer
This laboratory explores the frontier of research on genetic algorithm. It is quite exciting to apply genetic algorithm to discover something new in financial market, socio-economic behaviors and maneuver controls. The laboratory may shed light on brand new discovery that goes beyond the expectation of researchers.
Structural Equation Modeling
Syndustry Heisenberger-Zentenzer
This laboratory extends the usage of Structural Equation Models into the frontier of research on economic behaviors and complex system. It assists the econometric modeling in the sense of multi-layer regression. It finds ways to make the SEM model to reach its maximum capacity and potential.
Econometric Modeling
Syndustry Heisenberger-Zentenzer
This laboratory extends the frontier of econometric modeling of panel data from field survey, both the true panel and pseudo panel data. It applies the econometric methods to big data and real-time analysis. It focuses on the improvement of precision of classification. It tries to find new methods for non-linear regression. It combines quantum economics and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to improve the coefficient estimation.
PHP Prgramming Lab
Syndustry Feynman-Zentenzer
This laboratory extends the PHP programing for frontier research. It realizes the power of cloud computing and tries to assist researchers for their frontier research that may not have been served by other web applications. It conducts experiments in a trial-and-error way to find the best solutions to meet the needs of the researchers.
Social Welfare Economics
Syndustry Zen-Zentenzer
The quality of life is the ultimate goal of being human on Earth. This laboratory inherits the concept of social welfare from Amartya Zen, the Nobel prize laureate to find new ways to simulate the economic system and analyze the policy to make people better, especially the poor and the disables. It trusts that the world must be living in harmony to ensure the sustainability and prosperity. This laboratory is a flag ship of Syndustry to carry her wealth to build a better and sustainable world in accordance with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Contribution to the 13 Labs

Syndustry is delighted to have scholars around the world contribute to the frontier knowledge in accordance to the scope of the 13 Labs. The contributors can take part of the development and the reach to the frontier by publishing their discoveries in the journal "Simulation and Analysis of Economic System". The contributors will be concerned as members of the relevant laboratories of Syndustry and will receive the latest news of the discovery in the field.